Wednesday, June 11, 2008

As Seen On Oprah! Join The Fight! Puppy Mill Awareness Day - Lancaster County, PA

Please note that the embedded video displays actual animals in puppy mills. Viewer discretion is advised.

On September 20, 2008, thousands of people will be joining together in the heart of one of the biggest producing puppy mill areas in the United States - Lancaster County, PA. As aired on Oprah, join the fight and support the thousands of dogs and puppies that are kenneled and bred in the most horrifying situations! Imagine little food, no or little medical care, living in small cages filled with feces and urine. Be the voice for these helpless souls where the greed of money to the puppy mill owners are the only thing they want.

This anti-puppy mill rally will be the biggest in the country and can not be missed! Awareness Day is almost 5 years old and the only thing that has changed for the mill dogs are the names of the people who are supposed to be protecting them.

Special guests appearances include: AnnMarie Lucas of Animal Plant; Animal Precinct, Rescue Ink, Musician, Gary Hennessy, Rikki Rockett, and Melanie Martel. In addition, the day's events will include Vaccine Clinic courtesy of Dog's Den , Rescue Parade, vendors, plus much more. Help spread the word and let the world know "Pennsylvania's dirty little secret."

Just remember, ANY DOG SOLD THROUGH A PET STORE come from these mills or similiar in another state - no matter what any shop owner tells you! Do NOT support this cruel industry as every puppy purchased gives the mill owner a reason to produce more and more!

For more information, please go to: or email at: