Three years ago, a little Boston Terrier girl named Pokey found her way into my arms after one of my customers found her wondering on the side of Newman Springs Road in Holmdel on her way home from a doctors appointment Knowing I had Boston Terriers already, she called me immediately as she could not take a strange dog into her home. I picked up this beautiful girl, which I temporary called "Daisy" as she had no collar or identification tags on her. I brought her to my home and after her shoving herself through the front door and bypassing 3 eager other dogs wanting to sniff her, she ran up the stairs into the master bedroom, jumped on the bed, nestled herself on a pillow and went to bed (and too boot, laying on her back with all four paws up!) She never sniffed or looked back at the other dog's following her through the house. It was like she knew the layout of the house, where to go and to say "awww, I'm finally home ".
Although I felt like I found a treasure, I knew in my heart I had to find this girl her real home (although I didn't want to). I just couldn't bear the fact that a little girl may be crying that her dog was lost or perhaps a childless family was missing their fur baby. The next morning I called the SPCA and asked if anyone reported a missing Boston Terrier in the Holmdel area. To my surprise, someone did and was forwarded the contact information.
Because it was only 24 hours that I had this girl in my custody, it seemed like we knew each other for years. She followed me everywhere, knew all commands, had the best manners, didn't bark, show any signs of aggression toward my other dogs, but just wanted to snuggle next to my feet while I worked. She was the perfect dog anyone could ask for. That afternoon, I reluctantly called the phone number provided by the SPCA volunteer and a woman answered the phone. When I asked her if she was missing a Boston Terrier - she said "ooh yes - that's my Pokey girl. She gets out once in a while when she gets frightened by something on the farm." That evening, Pokey went back to her home.
However, 3 months later, Pokey's mom called me. She wanted to let me know that she didn't want Pokey anymore. Pokey was approaching 10 years old and she was planning on moving. Although I never imagine that being the actual reason to give up such a great dog because of a move, I really believe it was Pokey's age that was getting to her and some medical issues that were present. Well, without any hesitation, I told her YES, I WILL TAKE POKEY - MOST CERTAINLY! I couldn't wait to get "my girl" back.
That evening, Pokey showed up at my door step with a major eye infection and a lump on her head. After confronting the previous owner, it was apparent that Pokey was either not a priority or she was not financially able to care for this dog anymore. The next morning, Pokey was rushed to my vet to be treated. It turns out that Pokey had a major ulcer behind her eye that was pushing her eye outward and she was in terrible pain. The doctor's prognosis was bad - Pokey was more than likely going to lose her eye. But, I told the doctor let's try some heavy duty antibiotics and hope for the best. Two weeks later, her eye was back to normal. The ulcer shrank! It was then at this time I decided to have the lump on her head removed, have her spayed (which I later found out she was used as a breeding dog) and have two breast glands removed as it started to appear they were becoming infected. Pokey recovered successfully and by this time, you would have thought this dog was no more than 5 years old!
The next year passed and old age started creeping on my girl again. More breast tissue and glands had to be removed and pallups removed from her rectum. My girl was going through allot, but holding up like a fighting champ. She always pulled through her surgeries with flying colors and never showed any signs of pain following her medical "episodes".
However, two days before Thanksgiving of this year something started to happen. Pokey starting painting heavy. Because it was out of the blue, I didn't feel the need to be overly concerned until she could not stop doing it a few hours later. Her breathing rate was up to 140 breaths per minute. The next morning, we were at the vet's office. Thinking I was going to walk away with a bottle of medication and we would be all fine - this day was different. By the looks of her chest x-ray, the vet could not determine if her lungs were completely filled with fluid or cancer cells. In complete shock, I cried the entire way home while my Pokey girl just sat in the passenger side - looking out the window and enjoying her car ride as she normally did. Reality sat in - I wasn't going to have a long time with her. I was sent home with not one med, but a ton of meds to help treat fluid in the lungs and also a steroid commonly used in cancer patients to help stabilize them. I went to bed with my girl that night hoping and praying it was the lesser of the two and it was only fluid. Within two days, Pokey bounced back. She was back to her same, happy girl self.
Unfortunately, two weeks went by and Pokey's health started to decline FAST! I rushed her to the 24 hour emergency hospital at 2am and my worst nightmare was confirmed. Pokey had lung cancer and was dying. Pokey was put to sleep in the early morning hours that day. It was one of the saddest days of my life.
I got to spend a glorious three years with my girl. She slept with me every night on my pillow, on her back with her legs up - nestled/sandwiched between two pillows. She did this little "hokey pokey" dance every time she seen her harness pulled out from the closet. She loved car rides, was an excellent listener, the best dog to snuggle with and got along with any animal or person she met. She was an angel in my eyes.
Pokey's private remains now rest on my office shelf with my two other beloved boxers that I also lost to cancer years ago. What makes this girl so special is that she found me and even when I thought I found her home when she got lost, she knew where she belonged. She spent her last three retirement years with me and I provided her with all the love and care this sweet girl needed. Pokey now runs on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge; playing with all the other pets that have passed. I know in my heart she will be at the light when it's my time to go. She was truly a special soul!
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