Commonly, after being diagnosed, many are advised to turn to traditional medicines and procedures in hopes to reverse it but interestingly, many pet owners still stick to the same diet their dogs has been on before being diagnosed and solely depend on chemo and radiation treatments. Sometimes these procedures work but then sometimes they don’t, but there is one thing that ALL HOLISTIC practitioners will agree upon that can alter the prognoses significantly which can be in you and your dog’s favor - change your dog's diet immediately!
What is known is that cancer cells multiple and thrive in acidic environments and that is mainly determined by what you have been feeding your dog. Many processed foods containing lots of carbohydrates, bad grains (corn, wheat, soy), sugars, artifical colors & flavors and chemical preservatives are contributing factors that will alter your dog's internal ph levels to become more acidic. However, there are some proteins, vegetables and fruits that are considered acidic as well. So, what you feed your dog daily and how much daily moisture they get in their diets, especially after being diagnosed, can greatly impact the outcome.
For dogs, a body ph level below 6.9 is considered acidic as 7 is considered neutral. So, when cancer has plagued your pet, your dog’ body ph levels are more acidic then. But when ph levels rise above 7.4, cancer cells become dormant and when ph levels reach close or over 8.5, the cancer cells will perish. This then allows healthy cells to rebuild themselves naturally; making your dog's immune system much stronger.
So, what kinds of foods are considered more alkaline to alter the ph levels within your dog's body?
BEST OILS: Organic Flax, Coconut & Olive Oils
BEST RAW VEGETABLES: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Squash, Green Beans, Alfalfa, Garlic
BEST GRAINS: Pearl Millet, Chickpeas, Split Peas, Amaranth, Wild Rice, Quinoa
BEST FRUITS (with minimal servings): Papaya, Apples, Pears, Strawberries, Melons, Coconut, Watermelon, Mangoes
In addition, it is extremely important to feed your pet
WHOLESOME foods that still have the natural moisture in tacked and not cooked
at high temperatures as this will destroy a lot of the enzymes, vital
vitamins and minerals.
Give your pet more of a fighting chance against cancer.... know what your feeding and how to feed for a healthier pet for years to come.
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